Do you have a special idea for a song to be composed and / or recorded? Would you like to sing together, or discuss about music?
Music in the mind creates a MusicMind. The mind through music breathes through musical memories. The core idea of MusicMind is to retain cherished memories and create new ones out of the multifaceted phenomenon of music. MusicMind helps you pass on love and joy for your nearest and dearest ones. Live music experiences leave imprints in our minds. A relationship through music and for music is always personal. It is important to keep these musical memories.
The goal of MusicMind is to create a more human world: It is shown in MusicMind -songs created with a feeling of a strong presence, supported by personal profiles. MIndMusic is a valuable, immaterial and individual capital. MusicMind creates a song out of your thoughts.
We can create or recreate these songs, which are important to you! We are recognized professionals – please click on the link to hear our songs! Also new songs will be published, so keep following!
With this Christmas Smile -song (Comp. & Lyrics Kaarina Marjanen, Arr. Pekka & Kaarina Marjanen), we wish you many happy Christmas smiles in your hears, and all the best for the New Year 2025! You can find the Finnish version without English subtitles in our main page.
• Signature songs from your wishes to your loved ones, family and friends (Sheet music: lyrics, melody and chords.). Signature songs can be modified from a list of ready-made songs: please order the sheet music you heard!
• Training to support the song performance (solo song, duetto, singing group, piano accompaniment)
• . mp3-sound file of the song
• Song performance services
• A signature song can be modified from a list of ready-made songs: please order the sheet music of the song you heard, and benefit it for your needs
• singing events
• musical introductions to discussions
• lectures with music
• consultation services
Please find our songs at these pages! The action idea of MusicMind is the highlighting of a living musical tradition, grounded on the importance and values of singing. With singing and musicking, the aim is to feel a positive spirit in one’s everyday life, and in celebration, and at various moments of life. The goal of the song production is a high musical quality and musical implementation, to encourage people to gain from music at all levels, in multiple ways. These songs are meant to be sung, but it is equally valuable to dance with them, or create various kinds of performances from them, for celebration or every-day life moments.
Please announce the use of songs at Teosto NBC Finland.
Kaarina & Pekka are a husband-wife -team. Their skills complement each other as they are from both the performing and the academic world, and are singers and song writers encompassing a wide range of genres. They resire in Finland, but can produce that special song for anyone around the world!
Kaarina’s main position is at Tampere University , as a senior university lecturer of music education. She is an associated professor (early childhood music education) at the University of Jyväskylä. Kaarina Marjanen has the qualifications of a one subject music teacher, a music playschool teacher, and a kindergarten teacher. She completed her music education licentiate thesis in 2005 and the doctorate in 2009. She is qualified and experienced to create and perform songs at all of the important life events.
You can find Kaarina’s publications here.
Kaarina Marjanen
Pekka works as a conductor-musician at Markku Aro’s Diesel band. He is an experienced musician, a keyboard player-singer and a movie music composer, with a special recognition of “Vain rakkaus” -theme song as a part of Raid music. He has also a long experience of piano teaching. Pekka has worked extensively as a performer on stage, especially at traditional Finnish dance events, at weddings and birthday celebrations.
Please find further information here.
Pekka Marjanen
SongMind -Signature song
Can you think of something more romantic than ordering a special song for your wife, husband or partner? Can you explore something more memorable or lasting than a specially designed song for your colleagues or relatives?
The choice for this unique service can be considered as a valuable gift and a fine way of remembering your nearest ones, and it can be implemented on the bases of individual ideas from your family or friends. When there are multiple ideas, it may be beneficial to highlight the most important ones, at least to be included in the Signature Song.
Please make sure to spare enough time for the creating and designing of the song. We recommend a month. It will be delivered by email to the customer when it has been accepted by him/her. Until the acceptance, the song will be processed to meet the needs of the customer, as well as possible.
Ordering the SongMind -Signature Song:
MindSong – community singing and musical discussions
How would you define your needs and expectations? How can we support your own professional networks? Let’s design your individual event to access these goals.
The comprehension and acknowledging of the musical phenomenon serve both individuals and communities as a significant tool, also understanding the gaining from music for growth and learning as a preventive fostering implementation. The comprehension of music requires both musical experiences and the observations of the phenomenon in multiple ways, including discussion. Music is available for anyone: each of us carries music internally.
Ordering the MindSong services: